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"Great course. Dealt specifically with the area of the subject I was interested in."
Compliance officer – large financial institution
“Congratulations for all the work and patience shown by the trainer (and his sense of humor). The course was very informative and easy to follow. I strongly recommend it to my colleagues.”
Performance management officer – large financial institution
“This training gave me both a helicopter view, while at the same time teaching me the details when relevant. The trainer was always ready to answer questions from environment and managed to create a “risk-free” environment where everybody could feel at ease.”
Operations officer – large asset management company
“The course was good for the novice as well as the more advanced.”
Salesperson – large financial institution
“Very often, I knew the basics but could not link them to what I see every day and to what some of my colleagues are doing in other teams. Now this is much clearer. The course syllabus also allows us to go deeper in some concepts if we wish to. Thank you!”
Young graduate – large financial institution
“He [the trainer] was very knowledgeable and the training was highly interactive. Direct applications to real-life cases were reviewed and debated. The course slides were of very high quality and very well structured, with a good balance between theory and applications.”
Collateral management officer – large asset management company
“The essentials I needed were there.”
Private banker – large financial institution
“I deepened my understanding of several topics relevant for my job just in a couple of hours. I also very much appreciated the special attention of the trainer for participants with less background in Finance.”
Trading floor back-office employee – large financial institution